In today’s video, Chris talks about how to launch an Amazon bestseller in 2019. He goes over the details for the launch of his recent Magitech Chronicles Quadrilogy, explaining his steps for ensuring a bestseller on Amazon. This includes advertising, which is a very important component of his success. Check it out in the video…
My 2019 Publishing Goals
As 2018 draws to a close, Chris is focusing on his publishing goals for 2019. In this week’s video, Chris goes into detail on his current financials and talks about his plans for tackling the next year. Watch the video below for all the great information he has to share!
Two New Videos: 3 Tips For Dealing with Criticism and Profitably Adding Subscribers to Your List
This week, Chris added not one, but two new videos! The first is a motivational video, in which Chris describes three tips for dealing with criticism. Authors naturally encounter criticism, and coping with criticism can be difficult. Chris goes over his tips for how to deal with it. Check out the video below for the…
Novel Marketing Podcast – How to Write to Market With Chris Fox
Chris recently appeared as a guest on the Novel Marketing Podcast, discussing how to write to market. Here are some of the questions covered in the interview: What does it mean to write to market? Why would authors want to write to market? What about the selling out question? What mistakes do authors make when…
Mailing Lists for Authors Part 3: Coming Up With a Plan
In this week’s video, Chris talks about how to come up with an overall plan for mailing lists and autoresponders. He shows the spreadsheet organization of his lists to track outstanding work needed, autoresponder sequences, and the last time links were updated for every book in his backlist. Check out the video below for more…
How to Really Make it as an Indie Author With Chris Fox
Chris was recently interviewed on the Author Like a Boss podcast, a podcast for indie authors wanting to learn book marketing, self publish their books, and make a living with their writing. The topics touched on in this episode with Chris include: How much readers care about who publishes the stories Why women writers are…
Mailing Lists for Authors Part 2: Starting a Re-Engagement Campaign
Today’s video is the second part in a series on mailing lists for authors. In it, Chris talks about how to start a re-engagement campaign with your mailing lists. What is a re-engagement campaign? Over time, people who have signed up to your mailing lists may lose interest and stop reading the emails. A re-engagement…
Mailing Lists for Authors
In today’s video, Chris talks about how he uses mailing lists as an author. This is the first video in a series about mailing lists, and you can see a few details about the different lists Chris uses. Check out the video below for more!
Does Your Author Rank Really Matter?
In today’s video, Chris talks about Amazon author ranking, and why it might matter to you. He goes over the advantages and disadvantages of having a high author rank. Ultimately, author rank matters to some authors, but not to others. Watch the video for more details about Amazon author rank:
Cover Design for Non-Designers
In today’s video, Chris gives some tips for how to design a book cover that will sell books, including three rules he follows when getting the cover made. He also shows how he makes mockups of his covers to give to artists, and some of the steps he takes to refine his artwork with the…