Today’s video is the third in the series that shows how Chris plots his novels. Chris shows some more of his process and talks about how he found his protagonist. He fleshes out the character a bit and adds in some more background elements to his story. Watch the video below to see how the…
Void Wyrm Released on Audiobook!
The second book in the Magitech Chronicles, Void Wyrm, has been released on Audible! A suicidal quest into the Umbral Depths. Major Voria stands ready to accept the cost for her actions at Marid. Stripped of command and resources, Voria must find a ship and rally a crew. Somewhere within the Umbral Depths lays a…
How to Plot a Novel From Scratch Part 2
As a follow up to last week, in this week’s video Chris continues giving tips on how to plot a novel from scratch. Taking his novel idea from last week, World of Cliche, Chris fleshes out his ideas a bit, creating a few characters, a setting for the novel and more details about how the…
How to Plot a Novel From Scratch, Part 1
In this week’s video, Chris takes a look at how to plot a novel from scratch. He starts with an idea he has for a novel (World of Cliche) and goes over his process on how to start plotting out an idea. If you’re having trouble starting to plot your novel, take a look at…
How I Write 7000 Words in a Day
In this week’s video, Chris talks about how he has been writing 7000 words a day and how he does it. He explains how he struggles with juggling outlining and aggressive writing goals every day. Chris also gives an update on how the writing for Magitech Chronicles Book 3, Spellship, is going. Check out the…
SFFMP 156: Finding Success with a Cross-Genre Book Launch with Chris Fox
This week Chris was interviewed on the Science Fiction & Fantasy Marketing Podcast about the launch of his newest novel, Tech Mage. Here’s some of what we covered: What made Chris, the Write to Market guy, decide to take on a new cross-genre series that he wasn’t positive would sell well. How you choose what…
Chris Fox on How to Succeed in Indie Publishing
Chris was at the 20 Book Vegas writer’s conference last week, during which he gave a talk on how to get Amazon to promote your self published book. His focus was primarily on the following four features of books on Amazon: the cover, the title, the tagline, and the blurb. He discusses how to make…
Books Every Author Should Read – Line by Line: How to Edit Your Own Writing
In this week’s video, Chris talks about a book that every author should read, Line by Line. Line by Line teaches writers how to edit their own writing. To hear Chris’s thoughts on it, check out the video below:
Tales from the Void: A Space Fantasy Anthology
Tales from the Void is a new anthology featuring space fantasy stories by Chris Fox and nine other writers. Chris’s story, The Heart of Nefarius, explores the background of the main character in Tech Mage, Aran. The story tells the tale of his time as an Outrider of the last Dragonflight, guardians and servants of…
Void Wyrm: Magitech Chronicles Book 2 Up for Preorder
Enjoying Tech Mage? The second book in the Magitech Chronicles series, Void Wyrm, is now up for preorder on Amazon! A Suicidal Quest Into the Umbral Depths Major Voria stands ready to accept the cost for her actions at Marid. Stripped of command and resources, Voria must find a ship and rally a crew. Somewhere…