This week’s video is a follow up to last week’s How to Plot a Sequel or Series. In this part 2 video, Chris continues his plotting of his Dark Lord Bert sequel, giving details about how he is developing the story. Check out the video below for more details!
Godswar: Magitech Chronicles Book 7 Released on Amazon!
Godswar, book 7 in the Magitech Chronicles, has been released on Amazon! Voria, Aran, Nara, Crewes, and more continue their struggle against Nefarius in this final book in the series! Nefarius comes and gods tremble Nefarius has risen. She is implacable. Unstoppable. God after god is fallen and consumed, and each time the terrible dragon-goddess…
Nefarius Released on Audiobook!
The sixth book in the Magitech Chronicles, Nefarius, has been released on Audible! Every victory comes with a price Krox’s assault on Shaya has been foiled, but the cost was bitter. Ternus lies in ruins, its gravity doubled by a god. Shaya is a paradise, but one populated by a mere handful of survivors. Only…
Life Cycle of a Book
How long does a book remain profitable and how does this change over time? In today’s video, Chris talks about the life cycle of a book. The life of a book follows specific patterns, and readership resets every 3 to 5 years. You can continue to make a book successful over time or boost a…
The Complete Void Wraith Saga – Over 2,000 pages of epic military science fiction for 99 cents
The Complete Void Wraith Saga, a compilation of the six books in the Void Wraith series is now available on Amazon! After 26,000 years the Void Wraith have returned. The Eradication has begun. Over 2,000 pages of fiction. Mankind’s outer colonies are disappearing. Without warning. Without a trace. Fleet command chalks the attacks up to…
Ads for Authors Who Hate Math: Write Faster, Write Smarter
Run your ads in 30 minutes a day Advertising is scary stuff, especially if you hate spreadsheets. If that’s you, take heart! This book will teach you how to run profitable advertising campaigns using a simple aggregate sales model. You don’t need complex spreadsheets. You will not spend hours puzzling over read-through, and cost per…
Nefarius: Magitech Chronicles Book 6 Released on Amazon!
Nefarius, book 6 in the Magitech Chronicles, has been released on Amazon! Voria, Aran, Nara, Crewes, and more continue their struggle against Nebiat and Krox in the fight to stop Nefarius from being reborn! Every victory comes with a price Krox’s assault on Shaya has been foiled, but the cost was bitter. Ternus lies in…
Four Horsemen Anthology: Hope Is Not a Strategy
Hope Is Not a Strategy is a new anthology in the Four Horsemen universe, and it features a short story by Chris, entitled Without a Shot. Fifteen of the best Indie authors. Fifteen extraordinary stories. One bestselling universe. It’s the Twenty-Second Century. The galaxy has opened up to humanity as a hyperactive beehive of stargates…
The Dark Lord Bert Lives
Chris’s newest book, The Dark Lord Bert is now available on Amazon, and it’s on sale for 99 cents! In today’s video, Chris talks about the release of the book and his plans for its launch. Buy the book on Amazon and check out more about the launch in the video:
Why You Probably Shouldn’t Be Advertising
Should you be advertising your books? In today’s video, Chris explains why there are other things you should probably invest in first for your books before spending money on advertising. Check out those details and see some numbers from Chris’s own sales in the video below: