In this week’s video, Chris talks about the importance of setting realistic milestones. Many authors try to skip ahead to their end goal without taking the time to complete the necessary intermediate steps, and they often end up failing or getting discouraged as a result. Check out the video below to hear Chris’s thoughts on…
Quick Tip: 3 Types of Character Flaws
In today’s video, a follow up to last week’s 4 Pillars of Great Characters, Chris discusses 3 types of flaws that characters can have to give them depth. Flaws make characters more relatable and help provide them motivation for their actions. Check out the video below to find out what the types of flaws are…
Quick Tip: 4 Pillars of Great Characters
In today’s quick tip video, Chris talks about the four pillars of great characters. These are the four qualities or characteristics that allow you to create memorable, believable characters. This is a topic that will be covered in his upcoming book, Plot Gardening. Check out the video below to learn about the four pillars!
What The Last Jedi Can Teach Us About Character Development
In this week’s video, Chris takes a look at character development by examining the recent Star Wars movie, The Last Jedi. He compares the character development of Luke in the original Star Wars movies with the character development of Rey through The Last Jedi. Chris explains why he thinks Rey’s character development is not as…
My Low Effort Launch
In today’s video, Chris talks about his low effort launch for the third book in the Magitech Chronicles, Spellship. He explains why he decided to try a low effort launch, what it entails, and the results on not only Spellship, but the first two books in the series as well. Find out more in the…
The Power of Belief
In today’s video, Chris talks about the power of belief. Belief, whether positive or negative, can be a driving force in your life. Chris gives some tips on how to turn a negative belief into a positive belief to improve your life for the better and help you reach your goals. Check out the video…
Quick Tip: Form an Author Mastermind!
What is an author mastermind? In today’s quick tip video, Chris explains that a mastermind is a group of like-minded professionals who get together to discuss and address their problems. He talks about what he uses an author mastermind for and why he thinks such a group is valuable. Check out the video for more…
Protect Your Focus
In today’s video, Chris talks about how distractions can take away from your focus and how to prevent this from happening. He did a month long experiment where he withdrew from social media and other distractions, only checking email once a week and not checking sales numbers at all. Chris focused on planning projects and…
How to Plot Your Novel From Scratch Part 4
Part 4 in the How to Plot Your Novel From Scratch video series is up today. In this video, Chris continues development on World of Cliche. He fleshes out many sections of the plot, including adding both characters and events. Listen to Chris walk through his plot so far in the video below:
Making it as an Author in 2018
In this week’s video, Chris talks about how to get started as a self published author in 2018. First he discusses the technology adoption lifecycle and how this pertains to the state of self publishing right now. The good news is that it’s still going strong and you can be ahead of the curve if…