In this week’s video, Chris talks about standards and how they play a part in your success. Standards and how we think of ourselves dictate our actions and can either help or hinder accomplishing our goals. Check out the video below to hear Chris’s thoughts on standards:
Why You Probably Shouldn’t Be Advertising
Should you be advertising your books? In today’s video, Chris explains why there are other things you should probably invest in first for your books before spending money on advertising. Check out those details and see some numbers from Chris’s own sales in the video below:
Launching an Amazon Bestseller in 2019
In today’s video, Chris talks about how to launch an Amazon bestseller in 2019. He goes over the details for the launch of his recent Magitech Chronicles Quadrilogy, explaining his steps for ensuring a bestseller on Amazon. This includes advertising, which is a very important component of his success. Check it out in the video…
Motivation: Take Back Your Time
In today’s video, Chris addresses the issue of motivation and having a singular priority. Having a singular priority helps with time management, and Chris goes into detail about how he manages his time. Check it out in the video below!
2018 Income Report
Want to see some real numbers for the income of a writer? In Chris’s latest video, he goes over a breakdown of his income and costs for 2018, and compares it to the previous two years. He also shares his financial goals for 2019 and how he plans to reach them. Check out the video…
My 2019 Publishing Goals
As 2018 draws to a close, Chris is focusing on his publishing goals for 2019. In this week’s video, Chris goes into detail on his current financials and talks about his plans for tackling the next year. Watch the video below for all the great information he has to share!
How To Set SMART Goals For 2019
As 2018 starts to come to a close, Chris has created a video on how to set SMART goals for 2019. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based. Watch the video below to hear Chris’s explanation of how to set goals for yourself for 2019!
15 Day Novel Challenge Days 10-14
Chris is nearly finished with his 15 Day Novel Challenge! Today’s video covers days 10 through 14, which includes the last day of writing and the first four days of editing. Check out the video below to learn how Chris is editing Dark Lord Bert!
15 Day Novel Challenge Days 5 to 9
Today’s video is another long one as Chris goes over days 5 to 9 of his 15 Day Novel Challenge. Chris continues writing about the Dark Lord Bert, and shows his progress on the novel for each day covered in the challenge. Follow along in the video below! You can download the Scrivener files on…
15 Day Novel Challenge Days 1 to 4
The 15 Day Novel Challenge has begun! This week’s video is a summary of days 1 to 4 of Chris’s 15 Day Novel Challenge. It’s a much longer video than his usual weekly videos, and he goes into depth on his progress for each day of the challenge. Check out the video below to watch…