The Deathless series has done far better than I ever could have dreamed, to the tune of 10,000 books in the first seven months. That still makes me go =O There are a lot of reasons I feel the books are selling well, but I suspect the biggest is the covers. I get compliments on…
Deathless has come to iTunes
After a lot of thinking I ended my exclusivity with Amazon and have brought all my books to iTunes. In exchange, Apple has already featured me (something Amazon would never, ever do). I won’t find out how the book is doing until tomorrow, but I’m hoping that quite a few new readers discover the series…
Winning a 20 year bet
I made a bet with my best friend in 1995 that I was going to make him famous. It was made after an epic session of Dungeons & Dragons, the kind of idle boast you know will never come true. Only this one did. Back then I was an aspiring novelist, and I joked that…
Finally! No Mere Zombie is live
No Mere Zombie is live on Amazon! You can purchase the paperback right now, and the eBook is available at midnight. I put it on sale until Sunday to reward the people who’ve been waiting. Hope you guys enjoy! The eBook is also coming to iTunes and will be live there on Sunday!
Celebratory Sale
No Mere Zombie comes out on Friday. Holy. Crap. My second novel is about to go live. I’ve decided to put the ebook version of No Such Thing As Werewolves on sale for 99 cents to celebrate, and when I say celebrate what I really mean is to goose the Amazon algorithms to raise the…
If you don’t laugh at this you have no soul
I’ve attached a link to Ryan’s ‘audition’ for No Mere Zombie. I put audition in quotes, because all narrators are forced to audition even though we all know Ryan’s got the job. He’ll be doing all my books, because he’s awesome and we all know it! Anyway, the first section of the audition is a…
No Mere Zombie is coming to audio!
I just listed the book on ACX and Ryan will begin recording this evening. That means in just a few short weeks it will be live on Audible!
No Mere Zombie is complete
I just submitted the final draft to Amazon, and will be uploading it to iTunes tomorrow. I’ll update the links on the fiction page accordingly. If you haven’t bought it yet I’d hold off until April 24th, because I’ll be putting it on sale for a couple days as a way of saying thank you…
The Lunar Curse box set is LIVE!
Lunar Curse is now live on Amazon! Seven wonderful novels from some of the best authors in the genre. It will be coming to other retailers on May 1st, and I’ll let you guys know when that happens. I’ve already started reading some of the other titles, and I have to say I’m impressed. Definitely…
Lunar Curse is coming!
The Lunar Curse box set is coming! In includes No Such Thing As Werewolves alongside some of the greatest werewolf books ever written. Here’s a sneak peek at the cover: