I just listed the book on ACX and Ryan will begin recording this evening. That means in just a few short weeks it will be live on Audible!
No Mere Zombie is complete
I just submitted the final draft to Amazon, and will be uploading it to iTunes tomorrow. I’ll update the links on the fiction page accordingly. If you haven’t bought it yet I’d hold off until April 24th, because I’ll be putting it on sale for a couple days as a way of saying thank you…
The Lunar Curse box set is LIVE!
Lunar Curse is now live on Amazon! Seven wonderful novels from some of the best authors in the genre. It will be coming to other retailers on May 1st, and I’ll let you guys know when that happens. I’ve already started reading some of the other titles, and I have to say I’m impressed. Definitely…
Lunar Curse is coming!
The Lunar Curse box set is coming! In includes No Such Thing As Werewolves alongside some of the greatest werewolf books ever written. Here’s a sneak peek at the cover:
And then there were two!
I just received the proof for No Mere Zombie and had to share. One step closer to release!
The Fate of Commander Jordan
No Mere Zombie is nearly here, and one of the number one questions fans have asked is what happened to Commander Jordan? If you haven’t read No Such Thing As Werewolves, then I’d advise you not to read further, because the chapter below contains MASSIVE spoilers. Chapter 1- Wake Up Jordan awoke screaming, a harsh…
Woohoo! I’ve completed work on No Mere Zombie
I’ve finished the final content edit of No Mere Zombie. My line editor will give it one more pass, then it’s ready for publication! That will take about two weeks, after which I’ll upload the script to Ryan to begin work on the audio book. The pre-release date on Amazon is set to April 25th,…
Great review over at Audio Book Reviewer
No Such Thing As Werewolves was reviewed over at Audio Book Reviewer. This is a major feather in my cap, because they are the largest audio reviewer in the world. They had great things to say both about the book, and about Ryan’s phenomenal narration. Yay!
The First Ark ebook is free!
If you haven’t picked up The First Ark it’s free until Tuesday!
New cover art for Project Solaris
Glendon over at Streetlight Graphics just submitted the first proof for the cover. I love it! “We are Project Solaris. It’s time to fight back.”