Thank you so much for your patience. VDS is FINALLY live on Audible. I can’t wait to hear what you guys think. Ryan did a fantastic job =D
Hero Born is DONE
Many people have asked after Project Solaris, and I’m pleased to announce that the first book is complete. Over the next few days I’m sending out advanced review copies, and it will be live on Amazon December 18th. Hero BornĀ is shorter than the Deathless books, but packed with a lot of answers about the Builders,…
Previously on Deathless
Ryan is hard at work recording the audiobook for Vampires Don’t Sparkle. I’ve uploaded the first fifteen minutes for those who can’t wait! It covers my ‘Previously on Deathless’ section, which details what happened in the first two books. Hopefully you find it as amusing as I do. Be forewarned, there are some intense spoilers…
Vampires Don’t Sparkle is live
Woohoo! Book 3 in my Deathless series is live today on Amazon, and will be launching on iTunes at Midnight. I can’t wait to hear what you think of it! This book is bigger, crazier, and hopefully funnier than the previous ones =D
Aeronaut’s Windlass- You need to read this book
Jim Butcher took the world by storm over a decade ago with his Dresden Files, a series that I and all my friends love dearly. He writes the kind of books I will eagerly buy in Hardback, and will sacrifice sleep to finish. You can imagine how excited, and how nervous, I was when Butcher…
Hero Born cover reveal
Many people have asked what the heck is going on with Project Solaris. You can see the cover above in the banner, and it’s been there since I finished the 2nd draft back in May. So what gives? I decided to write the first three books and release them close together, and as I wrote…
Deathless Book 4- The Great Pack
Quite a few people have asked if there will be more books in the deathless series. Yup. Just received the cover art for Deathless Book 4- The Great Pack.
Vampires Don’t Sparkle is coming!
The first draft is complete, and I’m almost done with edits. I’ll be sending it out to the beta list on Saturday. You can pre-order it over at iTunes right now, or purchase it on Amazon when it comes out. I’ve set it for a Halloween release!
Vampires Don’t Sparkle is up for pre-order on iTunes
This morning on my bus ride into San Francisco I passed the half way mark in the first draft of Vampires Don’t Sparkle. That’s always the most challenging part to write, and the second half I always breeze through. To celebrate my mini-milestone I’ve put the pre-order up on iTunes. The blurb is just a…
The final cover for Vampires Don’t Sparkle
Thank you all so much for the feedback! Almost a hundred people weighed in, and this is the final product (minus the book’s blurb which I’m still working on). Hope you guys like it as much as I do!