
Today, Chris talks motivation in his weekly video. He discusses a method he uses to get fired up and get excited about what he’s working on. Improving your mood can have profound effects on your life, your work, and even the people around you. Check out the video below to hear Chris’s thoughts (and watch for the Bert cameo).

Get Fired Up
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  • Thank you so much for this video and your enthusiasm. What I am excited about is I am almost done with my final read-through! That means I am so close now to paid-editor, beta readers & design crew that I can taste it. This is the first in a trilogy and my first novel, yet I already have such exciting prospects with a number of publicists as well as a handful of interest coming from the movie-making realm. I have been trying not to get too excited (counting chickens and all), but that has been kind of keeping me down – and slowing me down. So I am so grateful for your video! After all, when shooting for your dreams – shouldn’t we be EXCITED?!? Loves & ((Hugs))

  • Bert is adorable 😀 So cool

  • Bert is really cool.

    I’m fired up about moving into a new genre. Woohoo!

    Thanks for doing these videos.


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