
In this week’s video, Chris talks about how to consistently hit five figures a month on Amazon. In addition to fast/consistent releases, you need things like box sets, promos, and ad spending to maintain a steady flow of income. Check out the video below for more information from Chris!

What It Takes to Hit $10k a Month on Amazon Consistently
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  • Nice information thanks

  • Any chance of a transcript or written post? This looks like it may be interesting, but I don’t do video stuff. Don’t have the mental bandwidth for it.

    • Unfortunately, transcripts are not something planned currently, but YouTube does add closed captioning for most of Chris’s videos. You could consider watching without sound and just reading the captions.

  • Great video and chock full of valuable info, as usual. Keep up the great work! Each time I watch one of your uploads, I feel like I’m taking a masterclass in authorship 🙂 Are you still looking for beta readers? I’ve done ARC in the past, I’d be up for the job. Let me know. Continued success your way Chris.


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