
In today’s video, Chris talks about his income for 2017 and breaks down where the numbers come from. Curious to see where a self published author’s income comes from? Check out the video to see an analysis of last year, including graphs for individual months and why numbers go up and down. Chris also talks about his costs and trying to balance work and his own sanity. Watch below for more!

2017 Income Report
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  • Chris, just wanted to let you know that I’ve been following you since almost the beginning of your writing series and love and really appreciate what you’re doing. You are a God Sent to many of us wannabee Authors. I really can’t wait for your Plot Garden Book. I think it’s what I’ve been waiting for to not only propel the ideas that I have, but be able to blend them into a cohesive story line that will finally make it real. Thank you again for everything. Even if people don’t comment, don’t forget, a lot of us are still watching, listening, learning, and are very grateful to have you in our lives. Thank you, you are more of a blessing than you know.

    David B.

  • Hi Chris. You were recommended by an author friend. Thank you for sharkng what you are doing. I am looking forward to learn more from your books and videos. I am preparing my first novel in English and my plan is to self-publish and live from this. So, tahnk you!

  • Hi Chris. Just looked up your website and I’m bookmarking it to sit down and watch your videos. I’ve written and self-published six books since 2008 and never really marketed them, so I’m trying to revive them now and see if I can’t finally stop cleaning houses and make an income at this. So far I’m averaging around $120-$180 (the last three months since I began doing some marketing).

    I’m curious to hear more about how ads are tweaked. Keywords are still this grand mystery to me and I am just beginning to toy with AMS and FB ads and not getting much traction. In any case, I think I might need to pick up the Six Figure book you have – although I know I am NOT willing to write a book a month. Heck, a book a year might be pushing it! I still have hopes I can eventually make this my full-time income. Living here in the Midwest, I can get away with a lot less. I used to live in SF, San Jose, etc. I moved to Kansas City 20 years ago and visit the West coast but don’t miss it – the Midwest is our best kept secret. Where else can you own a gorgeous 4,000 square foot 1899 Victorian on a half acre of land in the city and pay just $700 a month for the mortgage?!

    If I were able to earn a net $60k/year on my writing, I would be set. A girl can dream, right?!


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