
In today’s video, Chris talks about the advantages of writing books in a series back-to-back. Writing book 2 in 12 Weeks to a Trilogy before editing book 1 has allowed him to have a better sense of the world and where the characters are going, which can make the changes in editing for book 1 much richer. Check out the details in the video below, along with his progress on editing and updates on world building.

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Week 6: The Advantages of Back-to-Back Writing
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  • Great series…thank you for this super useful information. If you can share the info…who does your covers? And your editing? Thanks again…I appreciate you.

  • I’ve been thinking about waiting to release the first book and writing 6 books this year in a world/series rather than just the one. You just validated that it’s is a good idea to do so. But how do you know if the series will be well received? If it’s not and no one buys, then you’ve just wasted the year. This is my fear in writing the whole thing and waiting to release the series.


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