
I won. I wrote and edited an entire novel in three weeks. Destroyer is just under 64,000 words. The book is one proofread away from being published, and will be live in the store by the 28th.

From here, I’ll be releasing 2 videos a week (at least for the next several weeks). On Wednesdays I’ll be sending out videos about outlining, and on Fridays I’ll be sending out videos about Launching to Market.

If there are more / other things you want to see, please let me know. Either way, thank you so much for riding shotgun on this challenge. It was brutal, and I’m not sure I could have done it without your support and encouragement.

21 Day Novel Challenge Day 21- I Did It


  • This has been must-watch tv for me for the past three weeks. Congratulations on accomplishing such an amazing goal! I’m not an SF reader, but I’ll definitely be picking this up. Question: because the book came in shorter than expected, you had 9 days to edit. What, if anything, would have been different if the first draft had been longer and you’d only had seven days? Just more butt-in-chair time?

    • You nailed it, more butt in chair time. I was able to slack a little bit in the editing phase because the book ended up shorter. If I’d needed to I probably could have finished it by Day 17.

  • Congratulations! There are many of us cheering you on. Is it available for pre-order on Amazon?

    • Not yet. I’ll email the list when it goes up, and I’m make sure to post on the site too =)


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