
Ryan is hard at work recording the audiobook for Vampires Don’t Sparkle. I’ve uploaded the first fifteen minutes for those who can’t wait! It covers my ‘Previously on Deathless’ section, which details what happened in the first two books.

Hopefully you find it as amusing as I do. Be forewarned, there are some intense spoilers for No Mere Zombie and No Such Thing As Werewolves!

Previously on Deathless


  • How is there no replies to this?! Any updates? I need something to make it through turkey day…

    • How is *it, that* there are no replies to this? (I’m my own grammar hammer)

      • Ryan finished recording, I spent the weekend proofing, and today we pull the trigger and submit the final audio book to ACX. I’m hoping it will be live in the next two weeks =)

  • How do we sign up for the mailing list?

  • How do you sign up for the mailing list? It mentioned it at the beginning of VDS and I’m interested


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